Erica Rankin is a young Canadian entrepreneur who took a passion and turned it into a business.

After being involved in the fitness industry for many years, Erica developed a great amount of love and appreciation for better-for-you foods.

She took a look around, and realized Canada is lacking products that are not only plant-based, but have added protein as well, while still containing quality ingredients. Cookie dough is such a nostalgic, fun treat, but the tummy ache and sugar crash that follows it aren’t fun. After spending countless hours experimenting in my kitchen, I created Canada’s first better-for-you edible cookie dough with a spin…

Launched in 2019, Bro Dough is not only vegan, but contains plant-based protein (derived from peas), as well as natural sweeteners. The product contains half the amount of sugar found in traditional cookie dough, and does not use any artificial sweeteners.

Bro Dough was created for consumers who prioritize their health and still want to enjoy a treat, without sacrificing their health or fitness goals.

Her vision is to create a world where someone can eat an entire jar of cookie dough and still feel good about themselves. Have your dough, and eat it too!

  • Erica’s transition from studying psychology to founding her own business
  • The importance of having a TikTok and LinkedIn presence in your social media mix
  • The daily struggles that come with being an entrepreneur that nobody talks about
  • And many other exciting topics..

Check out my episode with Erica Rankin